resource staff
Are you a youth director or pastor? Come to camp with kids from your congregation, whether they are registered at Green Lake Bible Camp, Shores of St. Andrew Bible Camp, or Camp House! Join them in worship, learn alongside them in Bible study, play crazy games and sing fun new songs - and bring a little piece of that camp fun back to your congregation. You and your family can stay for free! Make sure to register under "Resource Staff" by using the online registration or calling our office. This is a great opportunity to deepen faith relationships and spend a beautiful week in God's creation!
MINISTEr in residence
The Minister in Residence program is a great opportunity for ELCA pastors and deacons to partner with camp as a spiritual resource for our participants and enjoy a week of camp at one of the amazing Green Lake Lutheran Ministries sites! GLLM provides housing and meals during your week. You are welcome to bring your family or a family from your community along at no cost, or register them for a summer camp program during your week at $200 off program pricing.
- Be a LOVING PRESENCE: Be part of the life-changing love of Jesus through your interactions and relationship with participants.
- Bring your THEOLOGICAL WISDOM and pastoral perspective to help guide our conversations, give new insights and answer some big questions.
- In the midst of rest and play, tune your SPIRITUAL ATTENTIVENESS to God’s presence and God’s calling in the lives of our participants and staff.
"I have never been a Camp Pastor before, and I can't wait to do it again! GLLM had me singing incredible fun songs, had me laughing with hilarious dedicated counselors, had me playing games with wonderful sweet children, all while challenging, growing, and reinforcing my love of Jesus. As Camp Pastor I got to share some of the messages during worship, and I was also available all week long talk with anyone at camp (campers, counselors, staff) who had questions about their faith or who just needed someone to talk to. I was blessed at camp and I got to be a blessing as well - and all while staying at a beautiful lake and eating good food. Why would anyone say "no" to this?! I am so impressed with the camp ministry happening here and so thankful for being invited to be a Camp Pastor for a week." - Pastor Jeff Fitzkappes, Trinity Lutheran Church, Montevideo